Sleep & Your Health

Sleep and health go hand in hand. Learn more about how to tend to underlying conditions, prevent sleep disorders and improve the overall quality of your sleep and well-being.

What is Sleep Debt

What is Sleep Debt

You have probably heard of sleep deprivation, but have you ever heard of sleep debt? It can be defined as the difference between how much sleep you need versus how much sleep you get.

Best Books About Sleep in 2022

Best Books About Sleep in 2022

If you have landed on this guide, then you, too, are probably looking for a quick fix on sleeping more or sleeping better. While we are not promising that quick fix, we are promising a guide to some of our favorite books on sleep.

Food’s Impact on Dreams

Food’s Impact on Dreams

Some foods can function as natural sleep aids, while others can induce unsettling dreams. Why? It often comes down to the nutrients found in what you consume.

Video Games and How They Impact Sleep

Video Games and How They Impact Sleep

An increasingly common link to lack of adequate sleep is playing video games before bed. Not only are adults becoming avid gamers, but 97% of children between ages 12-17 are also consistently playing video games in the evening.

Pregnancy Guide for Sleep

Pregnancy Guide for Sleep

To help you find that much needed rest, we will explore some common sleep issues and provide you with tips on how to maintain a better sleep schedule while pregnant.

Best Mattresses for Heavy People

Best Mattresses for Heavy People

Are you looking for the best mattress to support a heavier individual? Finding the perfect mattress can be tough, this article hopes to make your search for the perfect mattress a little easier.

Most Used Over the Counter Sleep Aids in 2021

Most Used Over the Counter Sleep Aids in 2021

Over-the-counter sleep aids are non-prescribed supplements that can be taken to help you both fall asleep more quickly and stay asleep longer. They can be used to treat insomnia or help with sleep anxiety, in addition to other sleep issues.

Night Sweats – Common Causes and How to Remedy Them

Night Sweats – Common Causes and How to Remedy Them

Night sweats are a common sleep disruption, so common in fact, that doctors often see patients for night sweats. Night sweats are repeated episodes of severe hot flashes, often causing those who experience night sweats to sweat through their clothes and sheets.

Top 10 Foods and Drinks to Help You Sleep

Top 10 Foods and Drinks to Help You Sleep

Clearly, your diet has an impact on how you sleep. By consuming certain foods and drinks, you can even improve your overall sleep quality. Learn more here.

Exercise and Sleep

Exercise and Sleep

Sleep and exercise both have many benefits to our total well-being. Each provide necessary qualities to maintain our body’s homeostasis. This is why getting the right amount of exercise and sleep is crucial to living a healthy life.

How Do Sleep Patterns Change as You Age?

How Do Sleep Patterns Change as You Age?

According to National Sleep Foundation guidelines, senior adults need 7-8 hours of sleep per night. This isn’t to say that the need for sleep drastically declines, but the ability to get high quality sleep decreases as we get older. Read more here.

What is Biphasic Sleep?

What is Biphasic Sleep?

A person who sleeps at two different times a day has a biphasic sleep pattern. Sleeping at night and taking a nap during the day is an example of biphasic sleep.

Complete Snoring Guide

Complete Snoring Guide

Snoring is usually caused by one of several factors – drinking alcohol, allergies, illnesses, weight, and anatomical features are just a few. Learn more here.

Sleep and Caffeine

Sleep and Caffeine

When it comes to sleeping and getting quality rest, many factors can affect how well rested we feel when we wake up. Learn how caffeine affects us here.

Smart Devices with Sleep Aid Software

Smart Devices with Sleep Aid Software

Technology, especially smartphones, is often associated with disrupting sleep. On the flipside, there are tech products that help with sleep!

Melatonin, THC, or CBD – Which is the Best Sleep Aid?

Melatonin, THC, or CBD – Which is the Best Sleep Aid?

Melatonin, THC, or CBD- Which is the Best Sleep Aid?  Many things can affect your ability to get a good night’s sleep. Sleep disorders can cause disruptions in sleep quantity and quality, and in some cases, it can be severe enough for a physician to consider...

Driving Drowsy

Driving Drowsy

One in 20 Americans has caused and accident by driving drowsy. 1 Drowsy driving is the second leading cause of automobile accidents. Read more here.

Kiss Morning Breath Goodbye

Kiss Morning Breath Goodbye

Whatever the cause of your morning breath, some simple home treatments or adjustments to your dental routine can have you kissing morning breath goodbye.

Aging and Sleep

Aging and Sleep

Aging and SleepDo you ever wonder why teenagers can sleep 12 hours a day and some adults cannot sleep past 7 a.m.? This is attributed to the body’s natural sleep changes that occur as we mature and age. As we age, it is common to experience increased difficulty with...

Sleep and Sickness: Tips to better rest

Sleep and Sickness: Tips to better rest

Sleep and Sickness: Tips for Better RestWhy is it that when we are sick and need rest the most, it is almost impossible to get? Sleep helps to heal the body and improve the immune system, making it a vital part in recovering from sickness. Lying down can cause more...

Avoiding Sleep Debt

Avoiding Sleep Debt

Avoiding Sleep DebtPeople tend to think that once sleep is lost, it is gone forever. Many experts are saying that it is possible to catch up on sleep and is necessary to successful functioning of the mind and body. Sleep debt is sleep deprivation as it adds up and...

Memory Retention and Sleep

Memory Retention and Sleep

Among the many other functions of sleep, memory formation and retention is perhaps the most important. The brain processes memories in two ways: through helping learn and focus and through helping with memory retention and recall. 1 The brain must go through a process...

Are Sleeping Pills Safe?

Are Sleeping Pills Safe?

Sleeping pills have possible negative effects on your body and your sleep. Those with insomnia or experiencing jet lag may find the use of sleeping pills an effective way to combat symptoms. Similar to alcohol, sleeping pills seem to aid in falling asleep and having a...

Health Benefits of Sleep

Health Benefits of Sleep

We are all aware that sleep is “good for us”, but how does the one-third of our lives spent sleeping really benefit us? Chronic sleep deprivation can result in a number of harmful disorders as well as making overall life quality suffer. 1. Restoration of Memory Sleep...

Does Turkey Make Us Sleepy?

Every year we hear claims that turkey, the main star of our Thanksgiving feast is causing food induced comas, but are they really the culprits? The answer is no, while Turkey does contain an amino acid called tryptophan, it isn’t enough to actually make you sleepy....

Does Exercise Help You Sleep Better?

Does Exercise Help You Sleep Better?

Exercise benefits the body and mind in many ways, one being sleep ability. The National Sleep Foundation’s study showed that those who participated in the national guideline of exercise (150 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity a week) showed a 65 percent...

What Does Your Sleep Position Mean?

What Does Your Sleep Position Mean?

People sleep in all different positions due to involuntary movement throughout the night. These positions not only affect the comfort you feel while sleeping, but may also affect how you feel in the morning and indicate certain personality tendencies. In a study of...

Shift Work: Shift Sleep

Shift Work: Shift Sleep

Almost 15 million workers are considered shift workers in America. 1 Shift work is known as working long shifts with little time off, usually including a night shift or rotating shifts.

Does Sleep Help Your Skin?

Does Sleep Help Your Skin?

As we age, it is evident that the effects of sleep deprivation become more noticeable. Not only fatigue and lack of focus are results of sleep loss. It has been proven that sleep helps restore the skin cells in your face and helps to cure blemishes. The process of...

Sleep Deprivation

Sleep Deprivation

Sleep deprivation as defined by is a sufficient lack of restorative sleep over a cumulative period so as to cause physical or psychiatric symptoms and affect routine performances of tasks. 1 Nurses and doctors, truck drivers, shift workers, soldiers and...

Eating to Sleep Better

Eating to Sleep Better

Interested on what food helps you sleep more soundly? Read more here and discover the ways you can eat better to help you sleep.

The Truth About Bed Bugs

The Truth About Bed Bugs

Some people enjoy sleeping alone, but sometimes it’s unavoidable or unwanted. Several members of the Cimicidae family have moved into the comfort of many homes across the U.S. and into their beds and other comfortable places.  Cimex lectularius, also known as the bed...

Can Lack of Sleep Make You Fat?

Can Lack of Sleep Make You Fat?

Eating too much and exercising too little are well-known ways to put on weight, but did you know that losing sleep can also lead to obesity?

How Much Sleep Does a Body Need?

How Much Sleep Does a Body Need?

It would be great to know the exact amount of sleep necessary to start the next day refreshed [with just the right amount of energy to glide through tasks easily], and then fade easily into peaceful sleep when hitting the pillow that night. Unfortunately, there is no...

How to Prevent & Control Bed Bugs

The truth is bed bugs can be an itchy topic.  Bed bugs have been dining on humankind since ancient times, but they have made a bigger comeback than ever.  According to research at the Mayo Clinic, bed bugs had been eradicated with the help of a pesticide known as DDT...